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How to Exercise Your Stress and Anxiety Away

It’s time to get up and get moving! Do you struggle with making time for fitness in your schedule? Do you dread exercising and hate working out? You are not alone. The struggle is real. I once did not like to exercise because I thought I had to follow the trend of working out at a gym, which made me uncomfortable and unhappy. I am no fitness instructor, but I have learned from many trainers how to love fitness and how to shift my focus from losing weight to having fun.

Exercise has many benefits. For me, it helps to manage stress, anxiety and simply makes me feel good. Exercise helps tremendously to manage anxiety because it causes your body to release endorphins, which in turn makes you feel good. It is the best kind of medicine you can give yourself! Along with making you feel better, exercise improves your overall health in many ways.

I have come to love fitness by following these steps below: 

1. Figure out your workout style. Pick a type of exercise that you love. Exercise does not have to follow the typical routine of going to the gym and running on a treadmill or lifting weights. Exercise is anything that gets you moving — it can be playing basketball, pole dancing, goat yoga, walking or dancing. Why torture yourself doing something you don’t love? Find what you enjoy and what makes you happy. You do you! 

2. If you don’t feel like exercising, go for just 10 minutes. After those 10 minutes, see how you feel and then if you still don’t want to exercise, be kind to yourself and go home and relax. Some days, it just takes getting started while other days you just really aren’t in the mood — and that’s okay. Try again another day. 

3. Exercise does not have to be a full hour. I sometimes work out for just 10, 15 or 30 minutes. I try to be active throughout my day by doing things like taking short, five minute walks at work. I used to run in place when a commercial came on while watching “The Bachelor.” Choose activities that are fun and get you up and moving. I like to tell myself, “You never regret a workout, but you always regret when you don’t workout.” 

4. Go with a friend. Sometimes it is hard to work out by yourself. Friends also keep us accountable and can make your workout or activity more fun.

5. Track your progress. Set small and attainable goals, and if you don’t accomplish those goals, be kind to yourself. We can’t be perfect all the time. Sometimes I accomplish my goals and other times I don’t. Sometimes I just lay on the couch and do absolutely nothing because I’m tired, and that is okay, too. I use the goal tracker app to keep track of how often I exercise and meet my goals. 

6. Figure out your prime time. A big part of working out is deciding if you like to work out in the morning or at night. Neither one is better than the other — it’s all about what works for you. Stop forcing yourself to wake up early if you are not a morning person! Figure out a time when you are most energized and motivated.

7. Remind yourself that exercising leads to self-love. When you feel good physically, you start to feel good about yourself mentally. Exercise increases your confidence and helps you find peace in this crazy, busy world.

 8. Consistency is key. As you learn to love exercise, consistency plays a big part in your mindset and attitude. The more you work out, the easier it gets and the more you will enjoy it. Get inspired by following fit individuals on social media.

In the end, it is your life so you should do what makes you happy. Figuring out what types of exercise best work for you and your body will help you to manage your stress and anxiety. Try different types of fitness studios — such as yoga, cycling, barre or pilates — to find the one that’s right for you.

For more reading about the benefits of exercise on anxiety, check out this article:

You got this girl! 

Hugs, Rosie 

Dr. Rosie Garcia, Licensed Psychologist and founder of Simply Living Counseling, supporting and inspiring women to find acceptance, self-love and inner harmony.

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Hi! I’m Dr. Rosie Garcia.

I inspire women to be authentic over perfection and teach them to take care of themselves so they can find true happiness in their busy lives and start living in the present.


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